About Us
Sacred Boutique was established 30 years ago at the Bhaktivedanta Manor ISKCON Temple Watford, London. Our online shopping website has been successfully running for the last 10 years and we gathered clients from all over the world.
Our products are beautifully handcrafted by artisans from various parts of India such as Mayapur and Vrindavan and not forgetting the Sacred Ganges. Sacred Boutique offers a range of sacred gift items from Japa beads to inspirational books on yoga, healthy living, meditation, and a conscious lifestyle.
We also have exclusive sterling silver jewellery as well as colourful traditional Indian clothing. Our shop at the Bhaktivedanta Manor offers some our more popular items so if you visit Bhaktivedanta Manor please do come and visit us to know more about our sacred gifts!
As part of our ethos we believe it is important to give back to our community, so all of our profits go back to the Bhaktivedanta Manor and is used in charity projects from feeding people in need to championing causes such as cow protection, while spreading spiritual knowledge to become more conscious and compassionate individuals.
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